Saturday, May 2, 2009

The Acai Berry Is The Healthiest Fruit In The World

Picture of Acai Berry
The highly nutrious Acai Berry

Acai berry, pronounced ah-sigh-EE, is a highly nutritious purple colored fruit indigenous to the Amazon rainforests of South America. Despite being a little berry, the Acai is one of the most nutritious and powerful foods found in the world today. This is a high energy berry that comes from a special Amazon palm tree that is harvested in the rainforests of Brazil. Acai is a fruit having a short post harvest period, before it tends to deteriorate. That is why Acai is available only as juice fruit pulp outside Brazil. This juice and pulp are used in numerous juice blends, sodas, smoothies and other beverages. It is renowned for its highly effective weight loss properties. It is available for consumption in various forms; as a sweet tasting slushie drink, concentrated pulp or easy to take capsules. It's taste resembles that of chocolate and is a treat to the tastebuds. It is completely natural and has no side effects. As scientists recently discovered it's many benefits include improved energy as well as vision & digestion. It's antioxidant properties are priceless in a serious weight loss diet. It has immense internal cleansing value and can help you rid several pounds of excess weight. It cleanses build-up in the digestive tract which combined with proper exercise will lead to a firm and flat stomach and healthy fat loss. It has been endorsed by numerous celebrities; including Oprah, Rachael Ray, Gwyneth Paltrow, Courtney Love, Eva, Sumner Redstone & Brad Pitt. It has also made national news many times in the last year and featured on CNN, CBS News, FOX News, WSJ, and even a special on ABC News. However, the incredible health benefits of Acai have been known for quite some time now.

Benefits Of Acai Berry

This is why Acai berries are called a Super Food. It's 100% natural and the benefits will help you lose weight and develop higher overall health. It can even help you live longer and boost energy.

  1. Boosts energy levels
  2. Improves digestive function
  3. Improves mental clarity/focus
  4. Promotes sound sleep
  5. Provides all vital vitamins
  6. Contains several important minerals
  7. Acai has very high levels of fibers
  8. Cleanses and Detoxifies the body of infectious toxins
  9. Strengthens your immune system
  10. Enhances sexual desire and performance
  11. Fights cancerous cells
  12. Slows down the aging process
  13. Promotes healthier and younger-looking skin
  14. Alleviates diabetes
  15. Normalizes and regulates cholesterol levels
  16. Helps maintain healthy heart function
  17. Minimizes inflammation
  18. Improves circulation
  19. Prevents atherosclerosis
  20. Enhances visual acuity
With all this, it's no wonder the Acai Berry has gotten so attention in the culinary world.

Acai Berry On Rachael Ray Show

Acai Berry even comes in a nonalcoholic wine form called Monavie which is also available through Acai Burn. It is very delicious and very little is needed to acquire more fat burning antioxidants than any other type of dietary drink. Although the capsules contain a higher concentrate and are quicker to take in the early morning rush, Monavie is great for sipping while socializing with friends in the evening.

Fox News Rated Acai Berries The #1 Superfood

Confirmed many times over by health researchers across the country. Great for atheletes! Great for maintaining better health as you get older! Perfect for weight loss! It doesn't have to be expensive though. Continue reading and we'll show you a few tips on how to not only get a few free samples of your favorite Acai form but how to keep your costs down for the long term.

Recommended Acai Berry Diet

The key to losing weight is to digest less calories than your body requires to maintain it's current mass. When the calorie intake is less than the body needs, it starts breaking down fat (a process known as catabolism) which combined with proper exercise leads to desirable weight loss. It is however important to supply the body with adequate nutrients and proteins. This means including at least 3 servings of fresh fruits in your everyday diet. Abundant fluid consumption is important in any weight loss plan, water being the most recommended fluid. Avoid sugar filled drinks like sodas and use a sugar-free sweetener if you consume tea or coffee. Foods like brussels sprouts have a low glycemic index, which means they release energy slowly into the body keeping you satisfied for an extended period of time. Acai Berry raises your energy levels naturally and combined with its powerful detoxifiers and it's ability to improve your digestive system you can lose weight faster, feel better, and not only lose fat but fight it as you digest it.

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